20 December 2006
Understanding Difference Types of Yoga
The article will help you to understand the difference between the most popular types of Yoga so you can choose which type is right for you.
Hatha Yoga
In Sanskrit (an ancient classical language of India) “Ha” means “sun” and “tha” means “moon”. This type of Yoga is relatively slow paced, gentle type of Yoga and is a good place to start if you are completely new to Yoga and don't know any of the asanas (poses). Like all types of Yoga, Hatha Yoga aims to unite the mind, body and spirit.
Ashtanga Yoga
Means “eight limbs” in Sanskrit. It's a fast moving, intense style of Yoga practice and is based on a progressive set sequence of asanas, synchronized with the breath. Ashtanga Yoga can be quite physically demanding as you constantly move from one asana in the sequence to the next, so you'll find that it will improve your stamina as well as your flexibility and strength..
Power Yoga
This is a western interpretation of Yoga and is based on Ashtanga Yoga. A Power Yoga class may not necessarily stick to the exact sequence of poses like Ashtanga Yoga does, but it does involve practicing a series of poses without stopping and starting.
Iyengar Yoga
This type of Yoga is based on teachings by B.K.S Igengar and concentrates on the correct alignment and form of the body. Unlike Ashtanga Yoga, there is an emphasis on holding each pose for a long period of time rather than moving constantly from one pose to the next. Iyengar Yoga uses props such as blocks and straps to help align the body into the different poses.
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa means breath synchronized movement and is another fast paced type of Yoga, with an emphasis on breathing. A practice typically starts with sun salutations and moves on to more intense stretching. Throughout the practice each pose is balanced with a counter pose.
Bikram Yoga
Otherwise known as “Hot Yoga”, is practiced in a room heated to 105 degrees, with a humidity of around 40%. Generally a sequence of 26 different poses is practiced during a Bikram Yoga class and the hot temperature helps to loosen muscles. Due to the high temperature most people sweat a lot during the class and this helps to cleanse the body of toxins.
Seribadan offers Hatha Yoga on Tuesday 6.30pm and Power Yoga on Friday 10.00am.
To find out more about the different types of Yoga visit http://www.yogamentor.com – your free online Yoga Guide.
18 December 2006
After 3 hours of bellydancing....
For those Seribadan members, I knew 3 hours of belly dancing will not do any bodily aches. Afterall, these are the ladies that dance half a day away during Seribadan annual hi-tea. But for the rest, I hope all of you are okay. Any muscle aches will only last for about 48 hours. Come to regular classes at Seribadan if you want to be fit for our next workshop :)
Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did.
Watch out for the next workshop.........
16 December 2006
15 December 2006
Tween Fit Girls in action
14 December 2006
Saturday @ Seribadan
Hatha Yoga replacement class is at 9.15am and it is open to all. Walk in is at RM10.00 per class (special December promo). Please take your breakfast earlier, okay. Preferably 2 hours earlier, around 7.00am and not too heavy. You could make up for it half an hour after yoga class.
And of course, Belly Dance Workshop from 2.00pm t0 5.00pm.
10 December 2006
Basic Rules in Strength Training (or Bodyworks)
- Start with body weight exercises for a few weeks (such as sit-ups, pushups, and pull-ups) before using free weights. Even then, go for lightest weight first.
- Work out with weights about three times a week. Avoid weight training on back-to-back days.
- Warm up for 5–10 minutes before each session.
- Stretch the muscles you plan to strengthen before each weight training session.
- Spend no more than 40 minutes lifting the weight to avoid fatigue or boredom.
- Work more reps; avoid maximum lifts.
- Ensure you're using proper technique through supervision. Improper technique may result in injuries, particularly in the shoulder and back. Do not hesitate to yell for help from your instructor if you are not sure what she is talking about.
- Cool down for 5–10 minutes after each session, stretching the muscles you worked out.
- Don't forget to breath
Don't rely on Bodyworks as your only form of exercise. You still need to get your heart and lungs working harder by doing some kind of additional aerobic exercise for a minimum of 20–30 minutes per session. Doctors recommend an hour a day of moderate to vigorous activity — so on days when you're not lifting weights, you may want to get more aerobic activity. Seribadan's Step Aerobics & Rhythm Aerobics classes are perfect for this.
Strength training is a great way to improve strength, endurance, and muscle tone. But remember to start slowly, use proper form, avoid heavy weights, and increase workouts gradually to prevent injury. Just a few short sessions a week will really pay off — besides better muscle tone and definition, you may find that you have more energy and focus in both personal life and your career.
08 December 2006
What is in Bodywork session?
Basically, Bodyworks is a group exercise class incorporating weight training. Each session will comprise of warming up, cardio workout, weight training, stretching and cooling down.
These are some of the exercises that you could expect at any of Bodyworks class, though not all of them at a time:
- Decline bench press
- Incline bench press
- Standing side laterals
- Standing bent laterals
- Standing front raises
- Incline seated curls
- Seated one arm triceps extension
- One arm rows
- Squats
- Lunges
- Standing one leg calf raises
- Wrist extensions
- Wrist curls
- Back Arches
- Chinese press up
These are mostly done with free weights, i.e dumbbells and bodybar. If you are a beginner, worry not, you could start with the lightest of dumbells.
Squat and lunges are exercises that use our own bodyweight, but for a more advance group, you could add add free weight into the exercises. For example, doing a squat by holding a bodybar on your shoulder or a pair of dumbbell at your sides
07 December 2006
The myth of ABT
Butt Blaster Machines – These machines, sometimes called “butt blaster” or “butt burner units,” have you positioned on your hands and knees. You place your foot on a platform above your glutes and behind your upper body – and then push up towards the ceiling with your foot.
This is an ineffective exercise. It places some resistance on the butt, but nothing that will stimulate any type of significant change. It doesn’t matter if you perform 10 reps or 30.
You’d be better off performing a lunge which places excellent resistance on the glutes/legs and allows it to be worked more effectively, or even an angled leg press, which works the legs and glutes as well.
Focusing Only On Butt Exercises – Some people will do a 10-minute weight workout, 10-minute cardio workout and then spend 20 minutes working the glutes. This will not give you the results you seek. This method assumes that constant work of the butt will make it smaller.
Fire Hydrant Exercise -- Did you ever walk by a cardio class and see people on all fours as they raise one leg (with bent knee) up to the side. This is called a Fire Hydrant. Again, an overrated exercise that is ineffective.
Very High Repetitions –- This applies to any lower body movement, including the glutes. Very high reps for the lower body (over 20) will not place enough overload and stress on a muscle to make any cosmetic change. So, the people who perform 100 kneeling rear leg kicks, 50 reps of leg presses etc. are simply training for muscular endurance -- that’s about it. One might say that at least they’re burning calories, but if that’s the goal, there are better ways to burn calories (i.e. cardiovascular exercise)
The formula for success remains clear -- calorie reduction to lose fat; cardiovascular exercise to burn more calories, weight training to stimulate the metabolism, including strategic lower body exercises such as squats, lunges and leg presses to tighten the legs and glutes.
Now, go get that bodacious butt you’ve always wanted.
02 December 2006
Seribadan Tween Fit
This fun filled weekly session is now resumed after month long hiatus during fasting & raya month. I'm sure the girls are excited to get back on the dance floor. They sure could dance, these cute young ladies. Hope they have fun today. Unfortunately, aunty nae can't join the fun as she'll be rushing for her FISAF course.
01 December 2006
30 November 2006
December Notice
Due to holiday season, there will be no morning session for the month of December 2006. Afternoon, night and Saturday sessions are as usual.
Tween Fit session on Saturday 2nd December is postponed to Sunday 10th December 2006.
Hatha Yoga session on 5th December is postponed to Saturday 16th December 2006 9.15 am.
Seribadan will be closed for Christmas Holiday from 25th – 26th December 2006.
Thank you.
17 October 2006
Bodyworks - An Overview
a.k.a Weight Training
a.k.a Strength Training
Contrary to popular belief, this workout is not designed to turn you ladies into a bodybuilder. We lacked that testosterone hormone. All we wanted are just lean and firm body which stay that way. Personally, I wanted to be fit, strong and healthy plus plenty of energy to chase after my two boys. I also wanted to lose body fat and tone up in the quickest and safest way possible.
So here come the Bodyworks. It is basically a workout using weight, be it free weight (dumbbell, bodybar, etc) or body weight. What this exercise do to your body is basically burning up all those body fat while building lean muscle mass. The thing is, each pound of muscle in our body burns 35-50 calories per day. But, every pound of fat burns about 5 calories per day.
Here are some of my favourites :
Bicep Exercise - Concentration Curl
Anyway, our biceps are normally pretty toned up since we are using a lot of it in our daily life. Like lifting a kid, (mine is 17kg), hauling that thick box file to document room, heaving that 10kg rice sack onto cashier counter or shifting your potted plant around. But, the antagonist muscle to it, the tricep (back part of arm) is usually left forgotten. You are lucky that it does not turn into a jelly yet. Tricep Exercise - Overhead Extensions
Tricep Dips
A lot more actually but lets leave it to the instructors. Now let us look at shoulder exercise
Front Raise .The simplest one.
Now for the chest. I took this seriously because my trainer said it will strengthen up the pectoral muscle, i.e the muscle that support the breast. Which means no more sagging breast. Disclaimer : It will not give you bigger breast, okay. Sorry.
Need more? Time to head right to Seribadan!
18 September 2006
Low Fat Blueberry Muffin
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup non-fat milk
2 tbsp canola oil
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 cup blueberries
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Coat a nonstick 12-cup muffin pan with cooking spray or line with paper cups.
- In a large bowl, stir flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt together.
- In a small bowl, combine milk, canola oil and egg.
- Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add milk, oil and egg mixture.
- Stir until just moist.
- Fold in blueberries.
- Fill muffin cups 2/3 full and bake 18-20 minutes until golden.
- Cool on wire rack.
Makes 12 muffins.