17 October 2006

Bodyworks - An Overview

a.k.a Weight Training

a.k.a Strength Training

Contrary to popular belief, this workout is not designed to turn you ladies into a bodybuilder. We lacked that testosterone hormone. All we wanted are just lean and firm body which stay that way. Personally, I wanted to be fit, strong and healthy plus plenty of energy to chase after my two boys. I also wanted to lose body fat and tone up in the quickest and safest way possible.

So here come the Bodyworks. It is basically a workout using weight, be it free weight (dumbbell, bodybar, etc) or body weight. What this exercise do to your body is basically burning up all those body fat while building lean muscle mass. The thing is, each pound of muscle in our body burns 35-50 calories per day. But, every pound of fat burns about 5 calories per day.

Here are some of my favourites :

Bicep Exercise - Concentration Curl

Anyway, our biceps are normally pretty toned up since we are using a lot of it in our daily life. Like lifting a kid, (mine is 17kg), hauling that thick box file to document room, heaving that 10kg rice sack onto cashier counter or shifting your potted plant around. But, the antagonist muscle to it, the tricep (back part of arm) is usually left forgotten. You are lucky that it does not turn into a jelly yet.
Tricep Exercise - Overhead Extensions

Tricep Dips

A lot more actually but lets leave it to the instructors. Now let us look at shoulder exercise

Front Raise .The simplest one.

Now for the chest. I took this seriously because my trainer said it will strengthen up the pectoral muscle, i.e the muscle that support the breast. Which means no more sagging breast. Disclaimer : It will not give you bigger breast, okay. Sorry.

Ball Incline Chest Press

Need more? Time to head right to Seribadan!

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